Single Family homes sold and for sale in Dighton during November
Here is some real estate market data describing the housing market in Dighton during the month of November and how it compares to the same time last year. The data is from the MLS and is for single family homes.
There were 4 single family homes sold in Dighton during November 2011 at an average sale price of $280,688 and median price of $266,375. For the same period in 2010, 6 single family homes sold with an average sales price of $320,133 and median price of $320,000.
Volume was off by 33% during November compared to last year. The average price paid was down 12.3% and the median price down 16.8%.
There are currently 45 single family homes for sale in Dighton, with a median asking price of $275,900, as compared to a year ago when there were 36 homes with a median asking price of $349,950.
Significantly greater inventory along with lower asking prices and historically low interest rates puts those interested in purchasing a single family home in Dighton in a very good position. Be one of the lucky ones to take advantage of this rare opportunity. Start looking for your next home today!
To learn more about the Greater Dighton MA area, visit my website atwww.stevew-homes.comor contact me directly at 508-558-8035.
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